Maindee Triangle Gets Planning Consent

It is just over two months since we last reflected on the Maindee Triangle around the toilet block and land on Livingstone Place. The good news is that our second design proposal - the yellow one - received planning permission at the end of March 2018.

Reflections on Maindee Triangle Winter 2017-18

In mid December 2017 we went up to the Kickplate Project’ s 76m2 exhibition space in Pontypool to have a chat with Dafydd Williams. Dafydd spent a week in October as an artist in residence in Maindee - taking portraits next to the toilets at the Triangle on...

Finding Blaenavon & learning about Enterprise Facilitation

For the last couple of years we have been trying to find Maindee. To be honest this is hard as the people living in this place keep on changing and there are other names which confuse the geography... like Corporation Road, Victoria and even Beechwood. Last week we went...

Responding to Toilet Debate: 3 Questions for Localities

On Tuesday 7th November 2017 we hosted a memorable and successful seminar which started with presentations on the specifics of public toilets, but broadened out [as we had hoped] towards wider discussions about public space and social justice.

Learning from Soup Making Event

We are making a lot of progress with our food and drink serving counter since architect George Lovesmith connected us with a group of architecture students at UWE in Bristol. We wanted something that could be moved around the building and even taken outside for events and...

Tricia Takes Over!

From November 2017 Tricia Rogers will be in charge of the rota which organises the library volunteers. She will follow Kim Lambert who has given her time to do the work for the past two years.

Practicalities of the Maindee Library Refresh

Writing this article in early October 2017 we are getting close to making the first changes to the Maindee Library building. Everybody asks why things seem to take such a long time to happen?

Update on Maindee Triangle at Livingstone Place

Since the summer of 2017 architects and artists KHBT have been working on design proposals for the triangle-shaped land at the junction of Chepstow Road and Livingstone Place.

Evaluation of Finding Maindee

This blog article explains the conversation we had and gives an approach to project evaluation. 

Maindee Unlimited developing as a charity

This short blog article shares some of the discussion from the session, alongside some video links and an invitation to our annual general meeting [AGM] at 6pm on Monday 18th.

Getting views first changes to Maindee Library

To accompany our latest film [see below] about the library makeover this blog gives a bit more detail about the options that we have for the small spaces within the library.

First Phase of Library Makeover

Maggie and Kim have gathered your questionnaires about the library over July and August and group of library volunteers also had the chance to be architects. 

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